Category Archives: Web Series

On The Second Anniversary Of The Antilia Bomb Scare Case A Web Series Is Announced

Antilia Bomb Scare case locked for an OTT ?

‘Bombay Stencil’ announces web series based on ‘CIU Criminals in Uniform’.

This Saturday marks two years since the explosive-laden Scorpio car was found outside Mukesh Ambani’s luxurious residence Antilia. At the same time, Bollywood is also showing a lot of interest in making a sensational and exciting web series on this subject.

Investigative journalists duo Sanjay Singh and Rakesh Trivedi have already written a book titled ‘CIU: Criminals in Uniform’ which has been published by world-renowned publisher HarperCollins. Although the publisher has been claiming it to be a fiction crime thriller, but this seems to be an attempt to avoid the legal issues as there are enough similarities in the case and the story published. With a press releases Harper Collins announced that ‘Bombay Stencil’ a production company has signed an MOU with ‘Harper Collins’ for the audio visual rights of the book, under which they wish to make a crime thriller web series based on ‘CIU: Criminals in Uniform’.

Bombay Stencil, the co-producer of Amitabh Bachchan – Ajay Devgan starter movie ‘Runway 34’ and ‘Khuda Hafiz Chapter 2’, is in final talks with a leading OTT platform regarding this content. Dushyant Singh of Bombay Stencil is also known for being part of the creative team of Barot House (2019), Parchhai: Ghost Stories by Ruskin Bond (2019) and Abhay (2019). Producers Hasnain Hussaini and Dushyant Singh are also in the process of locking a renowned filmmaker for this web series.

The producers said..  “This story is filled with great suspense, full of twists and turns and a fantastic climax. Author’s rich journalistic experience has added great value. We are confident that it has full potential of a web series adaptation. We are excited to take up this project and looking forward to create a stunning show for an OTT platform.”

Author, Sanjay Singh, said “The Marathi & Hindi edition of ‘CIU: Criminals in Uniform’ did exceptionally well among readers. Every review on social media reflected how readers savoured the flavours within the book. The English version by HarperCollins has taken it to larger readership. We are happy with this development related to the web-series.”

Executive Editor, Sachin Sharma, HarperCollins India, said “For a book as gripping and entertaining as CIU, it is organic to be created into a web series. The producers have a task ahead of them in matching this brilliant book with an equally great web series.”

On 25 February 2021, the explosive-laden Scorpio car was found abandoned outside Mukesh Ambani’s luxurious house Antilia followed by the Mansukh Hiran murder case shook the whole country. Maharashtra underwent a political turmoil post this episode that over turned the government later. Earlier National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested then API Sachin Vaze, former encounter specialist Pradeep Sharma, PI Sunil Mane, PSI Riyazuddin Kazi. This was perhaps one of the  biggest blot on the uniform. Qazi has already turned approver while Mane also wants to become approver. Both Sachin Waze and Pradeep Sharma are in judicial custody. During a recent hearing in the High Court, the court expressed displeasure with NIA’s investigation in this case and asked why the investigating agency is silent on the role of some other suspects in this case?

Even after two years of the incident, NIA has yet not been able to reveal the actual motive behind planting the SUV. And as court highlighted, they are still silent on the sole of some top brass as suspects in this case. Is Sachin Waze really the mastermind or just a pawn in the conspiracy? Amidst all these questions, the web series coming soon on the OTT platform can surely be a story full of thrill and entertainment for the viewers.


On the second anniversary of the Antilia Bomb scare case A web series is announced

Rahul Kumar – Karnika Mandal’s Comedy Web Series BHABHI MIL GAYEE YAAR Is Coming Soon

Nowadays comedy movies and web series are being well appreciated by the audience. Seeing this trend, film actor Rahul Kumar is coming soon with a very entertaining comedy web series “Bhabhi Mil Gayee Yaar”, in which he will be seen opposite Karnika Mandal. The posters of this web series are being liked a lot on social media, which are looking very interesting.

Let us inform that earlier Rahul Kumar, Karnika Mandal have appeared together in the Hindi film “Shubh Ratri” and now the series of these two talented actors is about to be released.

Sonu Dandoriya is the writer and director of this series produced under the banner of Soft Touch Entertainment. The star cast of the web series includes Rahul Kumar and actress Karnika Mondal along with comedian Rajkumar Kanojia who also played a pivotal role in the series.

Film actor Rahul Kumar told that as the title of this web series is “Bhabhi Mil Gayee Yaar”, it is quite a comic subject which will make the audience laugh. My look and character is quite different in this series. It is a situational comedy which will surely be liked by the audience.

Karnika Mandal, the heroine of the web series, has added glamor to it. Her look in the poster is glamorous, she is going to show the magic of her style. Karnika Mandal, who has worked in several music albums, is very excited about her character and performance in this series.

Rahul Kumar – Karnika Mandal’s comedy web series BHABHI MIL GAYEE YAAR is coming soon

9 दिसंबर को आ रही है राजेंद्र राठौर की वेब सीरीज एल लग गए

9 दिसंबर को आ रही है राजेंद्र राठौर की वेब सीरीज एल लग गए

मुंबई गाइज़ प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बनी हिन्दी वेब सीरीज ‘एल लग गए’ के ट्रेलर एवं संगीत को अंधेरी मुंबई स्थित पीवीआर सिनेमाहाल में लॉन्च किया गया। ये पहली बार हुआ की किसी ओटीटी की वेब सीरीज के ट्रेलर का प्रदर्शन बड़े परदे पर किया गया। इसमें साहिल आनंद वेदिका भंडारी प्रमुख भूमिका में हैं, जहां वेदिका भण्डारी इंदोरीया इश्क के बाद किसी वेब सीरीज में नजर आने जा रही हैं। इमरान नजीर खान, निशात शीरीन, उर्मिला शर्मा, नीलम भानुशाली, गरिमा मौर्या, अभिषेक सैनी, शैलेन्द्र मिश्रा, हिमांशु गोकानी, श्वेता सिंह , कर्मवीर चौधरी, कुमकुम दस, समाइरा खान, अभिषेक खन्ना, उमेश बाजपाई, भीमराज मुलाजी, रितीका सिंह, श्याम सुंदर सोनी, लेखक-निर्देशक राजेन्द्र राठोड़, सह-लेखक पिंकू दुबे, कैमरमैन नदीम अंसारी, एडिटर इरफान शेख, संगीतकार सौवीक काबी, पार्श्व संगीतकार स्वप्निल चौधरी एवं निर्माता महेश मिश्रा, गणेश मांजरेकर व तरुण बिष्ट के साथ साथ कई अन्य सिनेमा के अतिथि कलाकारों ने शिरकत की।

लेखक निर्देशक राजेन्द्र राठोड़ जो की इस से पहले करीब पचास विज्ञापन फिल्में निर्देशित कर चुके हैं जिनके निर्देशन में हेम मालिनी सोनू सूद सोनल चौहान उर्वशी रौतेला आदि काम कर चुके हैं । वर्तमान में रोड सैफ्टी को ले के भी जन जागरण के लिए विज्ञापन फिल्मों का निर्माण किया है। इसके साथ ही मध्य प्रदेश में पर्यटन को लेकर जल्दी ही डॉक्यूमेंटरी की शूटिंग की जाएगी।

मुंबई गाइज़ प्रोडक्शन के निर्माता महेश मिश्रा इस से पहले टीवी धारावाहिक लाल इश्क व क्राइम अलर्ट का निर्माण कर चुके हैं और साथ ही पिछले बत्तीस साल से फिल्म जगत में अपनी मॉडलिंग एजेंसी सफलता पूर्वक चला रहे हैं। इसके पश्चात आगे उनकी योजना एक फिल्म निर्माण की है जिसकी तैयारी शुरू हो चुकी हैं। पार्टनर निर्माता तरुण बिष्ट जो की एक फिल्म निर्देशक हैं उन्होंने पहली बार निर्माण के क्षेत्र में कदम रखा है। इससे पहले उनके निर्देशन में बनी हिन्दी फीचर फिल्म ब्लैकबोर्ड vs व्हाइटबोर्ड 2019 में रिलीज हुई थी जिसे इंटरनेशनल फिल्म फेस्टिवल में बेस्ट फिल्म का पुरस्कार मिला था। तीसरे पार्टनर निर्माता गणेश मांजरेकर नाइजीरिया में रहते हैं जहां उनका अपना बिजनस है।

यह वेब सीरीज 9 दिसम्बर 2022 को सिनेप्राइम के ओटीटी चैनल पर रिलीज होने जा रही है। वेब सीरीज कोविड के समय लगे लॉक डाउन के दौरान शादी के सीजन पर आधारित है जहां एक बारात के ससुराल पहुंचते ही लॉकडाउन की घोषणा हो जाती है और यहीं से कुछ ऐसा घमासान होता है जो आपको रोमांचित कर देगा और साथ ही हँसा हँसा कर लोटपोट कर देगा।  रोमांच और कॉमेडी से भरपूर यह वेब सीरीज दर्शकों को अवश्य पसंद आएगी।


9 दिसंबर को आ रही है राजेंद्र राठौर की वेब सीरीज एल लग गए


वेब सीरीज़ ‘पंचरत्न” में दिखेगा नितिन इसरानी का धाकड़ अंदाज़, सच कर दिखाया एक्टर बनने का सपना

कहते हैं कि जब आप जिंदगी में कुछ बनना चाहते हैं तो आपके सपने आपको सोने नहीं देते हैं और फिर यही बैचेनी आपको आपकी अपनी मंज़िल तक ले जाने में सहायक सिद्ध होती है. ऐसी ही दिलचस्प कहानी है अभिनेता नितिन इसरानी की.

नितिन इसरानी जल्द ही महेश्वर फिल्म्स इंटरनेशनल प्रस्तुत वेब सिरीज़ ‘पंचरत्न’ में एक बेहद अहम रोल में नज़र आएंगे. नितिन का बॉलीवुड तक पहुंचने का सफ़र कम‌ दिचलस्प नहीं है. मुम्बई से सटे ठाणे जिले के  उल्हासनगर में एक साधारण से मध्यवर्गीय परिवार में पैदा हुए नितिन ने 16 साल की उम्र में एक एक्टर बनने के सपने देखने की शुरुआत की. फिर क्या! बचपन से बॉलीवुड फ़िल्में और कॉमेडी शोज़ देखने के शौकीन नितिन इसरानी ने एक अभिनेता बनने के लिए कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ी.

नितिन के पिता सेवानिवृत्त हैं और फिलहाल सिलाई व्यवसाय में संलग्न हैं, मां गृहिणी हैं और छोटा भाई 11वीं कक्षा का छात्र है. घर का माहौल बेहद साधारण और ग़ैर-फ़िल्मी होने के बावजूद नितिन की आंखों में बस एक ही ख़्वाब पला करता था और वो था एक एक्टर के तौर पर अपनी पहचान बनाने का.

ऐसे में नितिन इसरानी ने सबसे पहले अपनी स्कूली और कॉलेज की पढ़ाई पूरी की. अभिनय की कला सीखने का जज़्बा लिये फिर  उन्होंने‌ एक अच्छे एक्टिंग स्कूल की तलाश शुरू की. जल्द उन्होंने ‘महेश्वर फ़िल्म्स इंटरनेशनल एक्टिंग स्कूल ‘ नामक फ़िल्म संस्थान से एक्टिंग के गुर सीखे. एक्टिंग का प्रशिक्षण हासिल करने के दौरान ही उन्हें फ़िल्म ‘DUKE’ में एक खलनायक का चरित्र निभाने का मौका मिला. यह फ़िल्म अगले महीने सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज़ होने जा रही है.

अक्षय कुमार, संजय दत्त जैसे एक्टर्स और संजय लीला भंसाली, महेश मांजरेकर और रोहित शेट्टी जैसे निर्देशकों को पसंद करनेवाले नितिन इसरानी फ़िल्म ‘ड्यूक’ के साथ-साथ अपनी आनेवाली वेब सीरीज़ ‘पंचरत्न” को लेकर भी बेहद उत्साहित हैं.

नितिन इसरानी कहते हैं, “कभी भी अपने सपनों से समझौता मत करो. संघर्ष और सीख ज़िंदगी के दो पहलू हैं. संघर्ष का दौर भले ही ख़त्म हो जाए, मगर ज़िंदगी से सीखना कभी नहीं छोड़ना चाहिए. मैं जीवन के इसी सिद्धांत पर विश्वास करता हूं.”

नितिन इसरानी आगे कहते हैं, “मुझे इतनी जल्दी एक फ़िल्म और एक वेब सीरीज़ में मुख्य भूमिकाएं निभाने का मौका मिलेगा, मैंने यह कभी नहीं सोचा था. लेकिन मेरी लगन, मेहनत, निरंतर सीखते रहने और ख़ुद को परिष्कृत करते रहने की कोशिशें रंग लाईं. मगर मेरे लिए यह तो अभी एक शुरुआत है. मुझे बहुत आगे जाना है और ख़ुद अपने लिए एक पहचान बनानी है. और मेरा वादा है कि एक ना एक दिन मैं इसमें जरूर कामयाब बनूंगा.”

वेब सीरीज़ ‘पंचरत्न” में दिखेगा नितिन इसरानी का धाकड़ अंदाज़, सच कर दिखाया एक्टर बनने का सपना

Manoj Joshi and Shalini Kapoor to Celebrate Their SECOND HONEYMOON

Producers Rakesh Singh Gurjar and Prathamesh Mayekar’s web series interestingly titled as “Second Honeymoon” began filming their Mumbai schedule from February 24, 2022 near Oshiwara, Andheri (West). It is directed by Amit Chauhan, a predominant filmmaker.

Manoj Joshi is beaming with joy after filming the office sequence in one take. The Padma Shri Award winning actor who has donned several laurels in films and television says, “This web series ‘Second Honeymoon’ is full of comedy and has lots of emotions. Shalini Kapoor the well-known television and theatre personality who has also featured in many films and web series like the last being ‘Qubool Hai 2.0’ on ZEE5 plays the role of my wife. We had a major shooting schedule in the exotic and picturesque locales of Gwalior where we completed 90 per cent shooting. I was always comfortable working with every new talented team – be it producer, director or DOP. As the title suggests, our children gives us a surprise package by sending us for our second honeymoon.”

“I play a South Indian character and I hope my role and performances will be appreciated,” says Satyajeet Rajput.

Director Amit Chauhan recollects that it has been a wonderful experience working with all the cast and crew and looking forward to stream the web series in a big OTT platform. He further informs, “The post-production work is also going on in full swing.”

Satveer Singh Gurjar makes a guest appearance too. He plays the role of an accountant. “The last schedule will commence from February 26 in Virar,” reveals the producer.

Prathamesh Mayekar is happy the way things have progressed. “I had this story and started out from a scratch and that too with zero balance. Now my dream is about to see the light of the day,” he quips.


Manoj Joshi and Shalini Kapoor  to Celebrate Their SECOND HONEYMOON

एक्ट्रेस आरती सिंह का दिखा कातिलाना अंदाज, संतोष गुप्ता की शॉर्ट फिल्म ‘”कौन ये , हां ये ” में इंडस्ट्री के इन एक्टर्स के साथ आएंगी नजर !

टेलीविज़न के दुनिया की खूबसूरत अदाकारा, आरती सिंह जिनके अभिनय की गाथा तो छोटे पर्दे पर उजागर होते ही रहती हैं । रिएलिटी शो में भी, इस हसीना ने अपने सादगी और सच्चाई से सबका मन जीता। हर किरदार को आरती ने सिद्दत से किया और बन गयी सबको दिलो की रानी।बहुत ही जल्द आरती का कातिलाना अंदाज नजर आएगा,शार्ट फ़िल्म ‘”कौन ये , हां ये में। जिसे मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स और स्काई 247 के बैनर तले बनाया गया हैं।

आरती सिंह ने टीवी की दुनिया मे एक के ऊपर एक उम्दा पारी खेली हैं , सीरिअल्स उतरन, ससुराल सिमर का, बढ़ो बहु, उड़ान,गंगा , संतोषी माँ,थोड़ा हैं थोड़े की जरूरत हैं, वारिस जैसी तमाम बड़े शो में अपने दमदार अभिनय का प्रदर्शन किया। आरती के अलावा इस शार्ट में एक्टर निखिल मालिक दिखाई देंगे जो स्प्लिट्सविला 13 में रनर अप रह चुके हैं । निखिल एक जुम्बा ट्रेनर, और मॉडल भी हैं इसके साथ ये एक फ़िल्म स्कोर कंपोजर भी हैं। वही शार्ट फ़िल्म'”कौन ये , हां ये में एक्टर अभिषेक शर्मा भी खास किरदार में नजर आएंगे। जो ऋतिक रोशन की पहली फ़िल्म “कहो न प्यार हैं” में उनके छोटे भाई के किरदार में दिख चुके हैं। इसके अलावा काफी टीवी सीरियल्स में भी अभिषेक अपने अभिनय की छाप छोड़ चुके हैं । और हाल ही में एक वेबसेरिस भी अपने नाम कर चुके हैं।

शार्ट फ़िल्म ‘”कौन ये , हां ये की बात करे तो ये दो दोस्तों के बीच मस्ती, और उनके अफेयर की कहानी हैं .शॉर्ट फिल्म में एक्ट्रेस मेघा डांग भी नजर आएंगी।इस शार्ट फ़िल्म की डायरेक्टर और राइटर हैं रोशन गैरी और प्रोड्यूसर हैं संतोष गुप्ता।

अमित सिंह द्वारा छायांकन किया गया हैं। संदीप बॉम्बले और अंकित पेडनेकर द्वारा संपादन ,कार्यकारी निर्माता हैं पूजा अवधेश सिंह और मार्केटिंग हेड अभिषेक शर्मा हैं।


एक्ट्रेस आरती सिंह का दिखा कातिलाना अंदाज, संतोष गुप्ता की शॉर्ट फिल्म  ‘”कौन ये , हां ये ” में इंडस्ट्री के इन एक्टर्स के साथ आएंगी नजर !


Rajesh Mohanty is a multifaceted genius!Producer and storyteller, his recent web series, Inside Stories has hit a ‘sixer’! Or so it looks. With tremendous viewership in numbers the series has come to be shown on top OTT platforms like MX Player, Hungama and Vodafone. The success of the series has made Mohanty and his partner and versatile actress Swapna Pati of 24 FPS Entertainment LLP and S R Enterprisers are upbeat about their future projects.

About the upward fortune of , Inside Stories  Mohanty says gratefully, “The response to my latest web series , Inside Stories has been fantastic.” So much so that he’s now making a sequel of this series, but clarifies that it won’t be an extension of the lockdown story like , Inside Stories.

Regarding reported bold scenes in many parts of the series, Mohanty rejects bold scenes allegation saying the scenes were dictated by the storylines and were not deliberate. “They are not vulgar. Infact, the third episode has no blold scenes whatsoever,” he defended.

What made Mohanty to make , Inside Stories series?

“Well, in lockdown period there were different tales in every household and organisations. We just visualised few scenes and put them into movie format. And the result is, , Inside Stories,” says Mohanty plainly.

Ask about the journey of his and Swapna Pati’s production houses, Mohanty  says that it has been a memorable journey. “Our movie Antardhwani won 14 international awards which is no mean feat,” says Mohanty proudly adding “Our upcoming second movie Ricky Bablani is a fastpaced biopic to be directed by Sai Kabir.”

About other future projects Mohanty is working, besides  a sequel to , Inside Stories, Mohanty informs, “There’s another series called Society. An unique musical album Trackx is also in the pipeline.”

Is Mohanty happy with the current status of webseries? “Yes, the webseries market is excellently poised and very encouraging. The future of this platform, as I see, is bright. Webseries gave birth to many newcomer stars also,” explains Mohanty in details.

Good luck Mr Mohanty in your cinematic journey ahead..



Salman Ahmed Ansari Launches New OTT Platform LEMON FILMS

Many web series have been directed by Award Winning Director Shailendrasingh Rajput and Minal Mhatre Rajput

Actress Joshna Pasarija to star in “Bedroom Secrets”

In this Corona period, OTT and web series have found an alternative to films in theaters. Salman Ahmed Ansari has launched a new OTT platform “Lemon Films”. He is the owner and founder of Lemon Films. He says that he named it Lemon Films because it is different and gives a feeling of being spicy.

Many web series will be presented on this OTT which is directed by director Shailendrasingh Rajput and director Minal Mhatre Rajput. Anoop Shrivastav is also associated with this ott. Salman Ahmed Ansari, Anoop Shrivastav and actress Joshna Pasrija were also present at the launch of this OTT. Nikhil Oge, a well-wisher of Lemon Channel and a close friend of director Shailendrasingh, was absent from the function but extended his best wishes over the phone.

Salman Ahmed Ansari came to Mumbai from Ayodhya in 1993. He used to write plays since childhood and used to act. He had come to Mumbai to become an actor, but unfortunately the accident affected his face. Couldn’t see for 6 months. Chief guest Sunil pal and mushtaq khan wishes the new ott lemon films, lead actress of golmal webseries pooja jangid(jaipur), supporting actor chandan gupta was also present. Paramjeet (banti) was also present in the guests.  Salman ahmed ansari started watching the work of actors and made 4 Marathi films in which Circus, Ek Navara 3 Baika, Aalekh is notable. He also made a film Mariam which was not released.

Talking to the media here, Salman Ahmed Ansari said that for taking subscription of Lemon Films, there is a charge of Rs 499 for 3 months while the fee for one year is Rs 1999. Thriller suspense web series will be seen on this Ott platform.

Director Shailendrasingh Rajput told that “Golmaal” and “Me Too” web series are going on. Golmaal is comedy while Me Too is on Me Too campaign. Both of these are directed by Shailendrasingh Rajput.

Minal Mhatre Rajput is the Executive Producer of a web series Ardh Satya. It is the story of a 60 year old writer and a 20 year old girl who fall in love with each other. It is later revealed that the girl is a ghost. Actor Pooja jangid

In this OTT-running web series “Bedroom Secrets”, actress Joshna Pasarija has played the main character, who hails from Delhi and was working as a cabin crew in airlines, but the hobby of acting in the film world brought her to Mumbai. She told that her character  in this web series is such that she solves the bedroom problem. This is an entertainment series. sajid Nizami is connected with Lemon company is a IT partner of lemon films.


There is a charge of Rs 499 for 3 months while the fee for one year is Rs 1999.

Get To Know About Fukri Family Characters And WebSeries

Amarcine Production’s of Mumbai managed by Amar Bedi . He started producing short films , award shows,events from a very young age.Mr Amar Bedi produced first webseries FUKRI FAMILY, for which the shooting us going on in mumbai and near by areas.The webseries was conceptualized by Team of Fukri Family.

The main Castof Fukri family is Amar Bedi , actress Daljeet Kaur, Famous Singer Ashoo Punjabi and Aleem Tahil .In every episode new characters are introduced . By This is a comedy serial which is full of humour and laughter. Recently Amarcine conducted Press confrence to announce the telecast of First episode of Fukri Family.


Title Music to Fukri family song is given by Tarun Jaitley and sung by Ashoo Punjabi jee.

Crew Of 7TH SENSE Web-Series Land In Dubai From Mumbai

Actors super excited about shooting after 5 months lockdown, filming to begin in UAE from August 20th

  • Bollywood producer Gaurang Doshi brings two web series to UAE, first ever to be shot entirely in the country
  • Bollywood A-listers R Madhavan, Ronit Roy, Chunky Pandey, Ameesha Patel, Prateik Babbar and Tanuj Virwani amongst the star-studded cast
  • Hospitality Partner, Palazzo Versace Dubai to host the stars and crew of the web series for the entire duration of their stay in Dubai .

3rd August, 2020; Dubai, UAE: The first set of crew members comprising the technical team, directors, cinematographers, production designer , music director and assistants of Gaurang Doshi Productions’ multi-starrer web series ‘7th Sense’ arrived in Dubai last evening. The popular Bollywood producer, Gaurang Doshi is all set to shoot two star-studded web series in the UAE, the first of which is ‘7th Sense’ that will start filming from 20th August as the actors and other crew members are all scheduled to arrive in UAE by mid-August.

With the finest actors of the industry such as R Madhavan, Ronit Roy, Chunky Pandey, Ameesha Patel, Prateik Babbar and Tanuj Virwani amongst other powerful artists, the big ensemble murder mystery promises to be captivating with a riveting plot and gripping screenplay, keeping viewers on the edge while bringing out your inner detective.

The next web series ‘Line of Fire’ comprises of two seasons and once again boasts of superstars such as Prakash Raj, Jimmy Shergill, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, Tanuj Virwani, Vijay Raaz, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Kabir Singh, Sana Saeed, Manu Rishi and Tanvi Azmi.

“I am very thrilled and excited as the action has began and particularly thankful to the UAE Government for making the process so seamless. UAE has done a marvellous job in controlling the spread of the virus and has become an inspiration for the world. Our team would also be taking all the precautionary measures as directed by the authorities to ensure utmost security and safety of the crew”, commented producer GaurangDoshi.

“This would indeed be the first web series from Bollywood to be entirely shot in UAE and ours is the first crew in the world to begin shooting at this scale. Bringing together such a stellar star cast after 5 months of lockdown is nothing short of creating history and we are proud of achieving this big milestone. Everyone in the team is super excited to start shooting again and very happy to be back at work”, added Gaurang Doshi.

Moreover, Dubai’s leading 5-star fashion hotel, Palazzo Versace, Jaddaf Waterfront has come onboard as Hospitality Partner and would be playing host to the Bollywood stars and crew of the series for the entire duration of their stay while some parts of the series may also be shot at this luxurious property.

Welcoming the collaboration with Gaurang Doshi Productions, Monther Darwish, Managing Director, Palazzo Versace, Jaddaf Waterfront, Dubai said, “It would be a great pleasure for us to host the Bollywood stars and team of the web series at our luxury property and we are truly looking forward to be their host for the next 8-months”.

The entire cast and crew for both the web series consist of over 100 members while the illustrious crew of 7th Sense also features prominent actors like Elli AvrRam, Aashim Gulati, Sana Saeed, Ahsaas Channa, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Sajjad DelaFrooz and Manuj Sharma alongside the big stars.

“Audiences would have never seen something of this magnitude in a web series till date, with such a mega star cast, super spectacular UAE locales, glamorous sets, a fascinating plot and everything presented magnificently, the murder mysteries will not only intrigue and excite but will create history”, added Doshi.

‘7th Sense’ is being directed by Karan Darra, the story and screenplay is by Gibran Noorani whereas Nagaraj Rathinam  is the Director of Photography, Sandeep Shelar is the Production Designer  and Charan Pathania will give the music and the background scores .The prep work for second web series, ‘Line of Fire’, the espionage fast-paced action thriller, will also begin simultaneously with that of ‘7th Sense’.

The big budget web series are produced under the patronage of His Excellency Suhail Mohd. Al Zarooni,an Emirati businessman,Guinness World Record holder and Ambassador at Large, Dubai.


Furthermore, Madhu Bhandari is the co-producer; Amey D. Nargolkar and Munir Awan are the associate producers, whereas Parag Parekh and Ronak are the financial advisors for both the web series.

———–Anuroopa Mukherjee

Pulse 360 PR & Marketing Communications
